There are very few safe spaces in which people of differing backgrounds are able to whole-heartedly question, discuss, and debate topics as divisive as race. Though students may have differing opinions regarding the roles and implications of race, simply engaging in conversation can prove to be earth-shattering, as they are able to gain insight into the realities of others. -AFAM Undergraduate Student As corporate and non-profit organizations continue to expand diversity initiatives, both nationally and globally, a variety of companies, educational institutions, and non-profits seek to create cultures of inclusion. Many use their initiatives to serve, as well as respond to an increasingly varied network of vendors and collaborators who demand employees who have knowledge of how cultures interact. A major, minor, or graduate certificate in African American Studies allows students to leverage a broad variety of skills into rewarding careers. Potential employers include: Archival Research, Business Management, Colleges & Universities, Consulting Firms, Courts, Government Agencies, Internet StartUps, Law, Media & Marketing, Medicine, Museums, News Bureaus, Non-Profit Work, Politics, Public Relations, Public Service, & many more. We are a small program, but mighty. Students with a major or minor in AFAM should anticipate a personalized experience with Faculty and Staff excited to support them. In addition to connecting with Faculty and Staff in the IAAS, current or prospective students with questions should contact the UGA Career Center to set up an appointment. They can help with exploring career paths, resume critiques, personal statements, graduate school application & exploration, interviewing, networking, & so much more! Click here to learn more from some of our recent graduates about their experience in the Institute for African American Studies.